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Exam Management
Unmatched Question and Test Creation
Intuitive interfaces make exam preparation simple and easy, creating comprehensive assessments while saving administrators time.
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Question Management
Question Banks
Bulk Import
Robust Search Options
Standards Alignment
Version Control
question banks manage
Question Banks
Manage, save, and organize questions into customizable, multi-level folders. Search across multiple question banks to add questions to tests. Question banks allow administrators to create assessments quickly and easily, while the associated permissions system allows questions to be shared across courses while ensuring that changes can only be made by question managers.
Question Listing
Bulk Import
Questions can be written in an RTF and imported straight into examN+ question banks. Streamline the test creation process by easily incorporating questions in bulk from an external system.
Item Analysis
Robust Search Options
examN+ features a robust question search that can be used when creating tests, aligning concepts, and building question banks. Questions can be searched through by content, question type, question author, and even by any aligned concepts to make locating questions fast and painless.
question alignment
Standards Alignment
Questions may be aligned to specific competencies and standards to help measure mastery. This feature helps create reports on student performance on given competencies and goals, which can then guide instructors as they refine their assessments and curriculum coverage. examN+ allows for easy alignment for either a single question or group of questions, making the alignment process more efficient.
Question History 1
Version Control

examN+’s version control system for questions and tests is extremely robust and allows for the creation of multiple versions that can be used and reused. Editing questions will automatically create new versions without affecting past or current tests.

It’s easy to view and compare all past and current versions of questions and tests. Performance tracking on each version of the question and test is also available.

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Feature-rich Question Editing
examN+ utilizes a rich Text Editor to format both questions and answers, providing maximum flexibility for creating text-based and image-based questions.
Image Optimization
The built-in image uploader optimizes high-resolution images to improve download efficiency and overall system performance. Ensure a smooth testing process for students, even on tests that include numerous images.
Question Types
Question Types
Multiple Choice
Choose a single option from a set of possible answers.
Choice Matrix
Choose an answer option (column) for each row in a grid.
Short Answer
Write a short response to an open-ended prompt.
Fill In The Blank
Provide responses to complete a prompt containing one or more blank spaces.
Write a response spanning multiple lines to an open-ended prompt.
Match pairs of answers by positioning choices next to their counterpart.
Choose a single option from a dropdown list of possible answers.
Rearrange a list of items in a particular order.
Multiple Response
Choose one or more options from a set of possible answers.
Select one or more highlighted areas on a specific image.
Answer true or false to a particular prompt.
Make a freehand drawing on a blank canvas or a specific image.
Test Management
Test Creation
Test Listing
Test Actions
Test Information
Test Creation
Create new tests easily from scratch or starting from a copy of an existing test. Add new questions through the question search feature, and save the test for immediate or future use. When editing a test, remove questions with a single click and even arrange questions among multiple pages.
Test Listing

View the test name, number of pages, number of points, test creation date, and author for all tests within a single interface. All test management options are available from this list for ease-of-use, flexibility, and maximum time-savings. Live tests can even be scheduled on the spot within a few clicks. Additionally, view the status of all submissions of a test, and view, grade, and release completed submissions.

Test Actions

Take complete control over the exam process with a comprehensive set of actions for each test. Edit or copy a previously-created test within an easy-to-use interface, archive old tests, specify what users have access to manage the test, or print a paper copy of the exam. Administrators can even try out the exam to see what it looks like to a student while taking it!

Test Information
Get an easy at-a-glance overview of any test including details such as the test description, options set, and who the exam was last modified by. Administrators can also view the number of submissions scheduled compared to the number of completed submissions of the test.
Excited to learn more?
Find out how examN+ can improve your school’s exam process with powerful tools, customizable features, and targeted data insights.
Exam Management