Give students the ability to download and take tests offline without a need for a stable internet connection. The application efficiently monitors the student’s connection and saves their test progress automatically in both offline and online settings, minimizing the frustration caused by unexpected problems.
Whenever an internet connection is available, the student’s progress and submission are backed-up to the cloud for administrators to track.
Optionally require students to use a working webcam and microphone during the exam so administrators can review recordings in the case of suspected academic dishonesty.
In today’s world, many higher education institutions are moving towards remote-learning pedagogy including split classroom paradigms and fully-online degree programs. New technological needs are arising as a result, and guaranteeing academic integrity is at the forefront.
With the move to online education, there has also been a rise in cheating as illustrated by The Washington Post in this article. Working remotely, students can use handwritten notes next to their computer, make a quick Google search, or in extreme cases, even have another person complete their exam.
examN+’s Lockdown Browser aims to satisfy this need by creating a reliable and secure test-taking environment for students. During a test, students are restricted by the actions they can perform, and in the event a student forcibly exits the application, instructors can require students to enter a security code to re-enter the exam.
In tandem with built-in automated proctoring, instructors can review proctored recordings and view a student’s webcam, screen, and student photo side-by-side to ensure that students are who they say they are.