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Advanced Question Types
Challenging and keeping students engaged while taking online tests is critical to their mastery. These six advanced question types offered in the ExamN+ system gives students the opportunity to have an increased understanding of test material. These advanced testing types have scientifically prov….
Scratch-Off Testing
Tests are a critical factor in determining a student’s achievement and future success. Assessments push students to reason and reflect on their studies, but most importantly to think critically. With features such as Scratch-Off Testing in ExamN+, assessing online gives students….
iRAT and tRAT
Readiness Assurance Testing (RAT) is meant to determine if a student is ready or prepared to move onto the next section in class. It is broken down into two parts: Individual Readiness Assurance Testing (iRAT) and Team Readiness Assurance Testing (tRAT). The iRAT is given to the students individually, and after completion, they receive their score without knowing which ones are correct or incorrect. Then, students get into groups to take….
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Find out how examN+ can improve your school’s exam process with powerful tools, customizable features, and targeted data insights.